The Hogarth Siblings as Activists

Both of the Hogarth siblings in their time after college continuted to be active figures in their communities. They would not rise to the level that their father had, perhaps out of personality or at witnessing what a busy man that their father was in their youth. Despite not becoming well known Reverends or educators in their community,  they would remain present in various activist groups and causes. This goes to show that both of the Hogarth siblings always had a strong sense of social conscious throughout their lives when it came to civil rights.  

They were members of the Woolmans Benevolent Society in 1886, a society that would have likely supported post-Reconstruction era policies of making sure immigrants and African-Americans were receiving a just treatment.

While this is an early example of their willingness to be involved with the community around them, the Woolmans Benevolent Society would not be the only organization the Hogarth siblings would come to represent themselves in. 

While not the most positive newspaper attention Joseph ever received, he was shown to be a member of a William Lloyd Garrison Post, G.A.R. These groups would have contained meetings of numerous black men in the community to keep an update on any pressing issues they would have faced. This specific group also met up with a womens coalition at their meetings showing that they had an awareness for a wide array of social justice issues present that the time. 

In the next article, Joseph Henry is listed as a chartered member of the GAR. The group was mostly African American men, ministers and lawyers as well as other layman of the surrounding black community. Some religious connotation to the groups activities can be found in this article, as they pray together. 

Similar to his fathers attending of community meetings, George Hogarth Jr. was often a presiding officer at meetings of the Kings County Colored Republicans Union. They would speak on issues surrounding the African American community. Here in the newspaper it is explicitly mentioned they determine their nominations for Republican nominations to various offices. These men understood that they needed to continue to participate in the political process to guarantee their rights in the Reconstruction and Post-Reconstruction era. 

The Sons and Daughters of Freedom