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1855 New York State Census

Charles A. Battiste (Jr.) appears here in the 1855 New York State Census as a resident of the Colored Orphan Asylum in New York City. The census lists him as a 10 year "mulatto" boy.

Clipping of Newspaper that featured Jermain Loguen

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A clipping of the paper in which Jarm Loguen is featured, writing to criticize a professor working at the college.

Cortland County Express

Cortland County Express - Baquaqua Sings in Arabic.png
Mohammah Gardo Baquaqua is described as singing a song with fellow students post dinner. Baquaqua however, sung the song in his native tongue, Arabic.

Cover of Jermain's Memoir

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The cover of A Slave, And As A Freeman written by Jermain Wesley Loguen

The Sabbath Recorder

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Mohammah G. Baquaqua arrives in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and meets with Reverend W.L. Judd who seeks to give him an English education and send him back to his native country for missionary work.

An Interesting Narrative Biography of Mohommah G. Baquaqua.

An image of the original cover of the autobiography. It is also one of the very few images of Mohommah G. Baquaqua himself.

William G. Allen Gets Hired

William G. Allen gets hired to be the professor of Greek and Rhetoric at the New York Central College.

William G. Allen passes away

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This is the death certificate for William G. Allen who passed away in St. Mary's hospital on May 1st, 1888 in London, England

William G. Allen Mentioned by Newspaper

A newspaper talks about William G. Allen as the professor at New York Central College. The brief piece talks about Allen's education in law.