Browse Items (134 total)

Boarding House for Colored Seamen

Charles A. Battiste (Sr.) published this advertisement in The Liberator. Battiste ran a boarding house for African-American sailors on temperance principles. The advertisement ran often in this newspaper.

Central College Celebrates Gerrit Smith's Election to Congress

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This article in the Carlson League Paper describes a meeting of Central College students and faculty to celebrate Gerrit Smith's election to Congress.

Charles Battiste, Sr. in Index of Naturalization Applications

Index card suggesting that Charles A. Battiste, Sr. applied for naturalization in 1848. No country of origin is listed.

Civil War Students Bar Graph

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Bar Graph of students who fought in the Civil War

Civil War Veterans at NYCC

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Map of where students who fought in the Civil War lived

Clipping of Newspaper that featured Jermain Loguen

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A clipping of the paper in which Jarm Loguen is featured, writing to criticize a professor working at the college.