Jehiel Jeffrey's family

Jehiel Jeffrey's parents were Roswell and Sarah Jeffrey. Roswell was born in Lime Conn in 1805 enjoying one of the best educations that was available during the time. Roswell as a young man expressed an interest in moving out west to start a family and move away from the busy controversial NYC and East Coast. These aspirations led Roswell to travel to Albany for a time and then traveling west along the Erie Canal into the city of Rochester. later in life would become the oldest African American minister in New York State. there is not much known about Jehiels Mother other than she was a religious woman who concerned herself with the church along with Roswell.

The image to the left is an obituary of Rosewell Jeffery, the book used for additional information

“And They Were Related, Too.” And They Were Related, Too: A Study of Eleven Generations of One American Family!, by Vicki S. Welch, Xlibris, 2006, p. 257.

Roswell Jeffrey

He found his first jobs at the Eagle and Rochester hotels and then continued his ventures moving to Geneva for three years, spending two years in Ontario Canada. While traveling Roswell remained in contact with the Massoit house and Franklin house in Rochester acting as a landlord. Roswell then returned to Rochester in 1858 and took control of the Clarendon Hotel acting as a host. Roswell was known as a fair and respectable landlord in these occupations. This business gained Roswell a lot of wealth leading him to purchase a 2-acre portion of land in Monroe that became known as "Jeffreyville" later in his life. This real estate increased in value and brought Roswell even more success 

After retiring from the hotel Roswell took up his religious devotion becoming a clergyman. We know this using the 1882 Rochester directory which lists Roswell's occupation as a clergyman. Roswell Jeffrey was known to be the oldest African American minister in New York State during his life and was well respected by the people of Rochester and Geneva cities. This can be seen in his obituary where his death is mourned, as the city lost "one of its oldest African American ministers and a great man whose good deeds and noble life will remain in memory to influence those who knew him". Roswell was said to be extremely charitable using his wealth to feed the hungry and provide shelter for the homeless. 

Hester Jeffrey

Roswell Jerome Jeffrey was the brother of Jehiel and married Hester Jeffrey. Hester Jeffrey worked alongside one of the most well-known women's rights activists, Susan B. Anthony during her most prominent years. Hester aided her and other associates of the Susan B. Anthony Club, an African American women's club dedicated to making a tribute to Anthony's life work. Other clubs that Hester Jeffrey founded were the Climbers, and the Hester C. Jeffrey Club which represented the NY Federation of Colored Women at the NYS Suffrage Association Convention. Hester also participated in the Afro-American Women's club. This participation can be viewed to the left where she was the main representative for the club at the national convention in D.C. At this convention Mrs.Roswell read a paper on the Douglas monument and began raising money to erect said monument. 

The Sons and Daughters of Freedom (take 2)